The repeating title is the current default title.
As a protection in case you ever purposely or accidentally use the "Remove" button in the main titling menu to clear out a title effect, the system saves that last title info into your default. The system is letting you re-add the title effect again and go right back to that last title you deleted in case you needed it. Keep that in mind when you remove these title effects in the main titling menu.
You can change the default title it by choosing any scene on the storyboard and then going to the main titling window. Select "enter/ edit text" at the bottom of the screen BEFORE you click on the "Add" button to add the title effect to the clip on the storyboard. You will see the same default title as usual, but then go to Page Options and select "delete page". You can change your text and style if you want. Then exit the edit text menu by clicking on "OK". Hitting cancel would undo the changes you made. From now on, click on "Add" first before you go to the "Enter Edit Text" option. You will see your new title as the default.
As a tip, you might even use the Archives button in the edit text area to save a blank page. Save it as a "Blank" or "Default" title. That way if new texts get loaded in as a default and you don't want to have to go back and delete pages, boxes, graphics, etc. you can just go to archives and Load the "Blank" title. That way you can start with the clean page before typing.